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Providing Quality Oil Care to Industry

RMF Spin-On Filter Elements

With a broad range of thermal and chemical compatibility, these elements are very versatile and work on a wide array of applications, including Des-Case's filtration systems and others.

  • Synthetic Media Offers Widest Chemical Compatibility
  • Steel Wire Construction Maintains Proper Shape While Lowering Restriction
RMF Spin-On Filter Elements


Element for Filter Carts, Drum Filter Carts, Drum Toppers, Panel and Compact Paneul Units, LT-LMS and Mobile Utility Carts.

H2O Sorb

A specially designed spin-on filter for water-absorbing and particle retention.

This Spin-on filter element with a fineness of 20 microns is constructed of a unique medium containing water-absorbing polymer which chemically bonds water.

Reduce downtime & improve reliability

We can also provide independent advice about your oils through modern oil analysis techniques.

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